

Dr. Venessa Ellen Speaks

I speak from a Biblical perspective on a variety of topics that are designed to help women grow and change in their pursuit of  godliness. You can find a list of suggested topics below. However, if you do not see anything that matches your current interest, please contact me and we can discuss developing something that best suits your event. If you are interested in me speaking at any of your women’s events please select the SPEAKER REQUEST button below.

Real Life

Dr. Venessa Ellen, President - Real Life Women's Ministry, LLC.

Dr. Venessa Ellen is the President of Real Life Women's Ministry, LLC., Vice President of Expository Counseling Training Center and Director of Women’s Ministry at Community of Faith Bible Church. Additionally, she has been internationally recognized as a speaker, lecturer and trainer in Women's Ministry for over 25 years. Dr. Ellen has also been known for teaching and training on the subject of Church Administration / Organization. Dr. Ellen has spoken globally and is valued for her compassion, understanding and biblical insight. Her messages are grounded in her faith in Jesus Christ. She has developed various Women’s Ministry programs while leading Women’s ministries and provided training in biblical counseling for women. Dr. Ellen previously served as Chair and Professor of the Women’s Ministry Department at a well-known Bible College in Houston, Texas. Additionally, she has served as a blogger for many different Christian organizations.


Biblical Womanhood

Biblical Womanhood


  • Understanding Womanhood – Acts 17:24-28
    • God’s good design for our lives.
  • 1 Timothy – (3 Sections)
    • Overview – 1 Tim. 1
      • Background and Context of 1 Timothy
    • Biblical Modesty – 1 Tim. 2
      • What is Modesty?  What are Paul’s instructions to Timothy regarding modesty for women in the church?  How does this apply to us today?
    • Biblical Womanhood – 1 Tim. 2 & 3
      • What is Biblical Womanhood?  What are Paul’s instructions to Timothy regarding women teaching in the church?  How does this apply to us today?
  • Teach Me Oh Lord to be a Godly Woman – Psalm 86:11
    • A discussion regarding the life of a true disciple from the view of the grace provided by Jesus on the cross.
  • Godliness & Holiness – 1 Timothy 4 – 6
    • This lesson explores the concept of watching our lifestyle and our doctrine with some practical applications of how to accomplish this on a daily basis.
  • Teach Me Oh Lord to be Sexually Pure – Deut. 22:13-24
    • A look at God’s view of sexual immorality and purity.
  • The Titus 2 Woman and Everyday Life – Titus 2
    • What is the goal of Woman 2 Woman relationships and how do we build these relationships in such a way that they are Christ-centered and not man-centered?
  • Developing an Effective Women’s Ministry – Matt. 28:19-20
    • An exploration of how to accomplish evangelism & discipleship while building a team to establish or revamp a women’s ministry within a local church.
  • Egalitarianism vs. Complementarianism – Gen. 2:18-25, Gal. 3:28
    • A deep dive into what these terms really mean and the worldview behind each concept.
  • What to do when Life Throws you a Curve Ball?  - James 1:1-5
    • This lesson begins by acknowledging that “we” (Christians) all shall have Trials & Tribulations thus we are often tempted to desire a “detour” from life and all its problems.  It will conclude with the biblical reality that God offers hope through these trials as we totally depend on Him.
  • Conflict Resolution (3 Parts) –
    • Sin the Original Conflict – Gen 2:7-9, 15-22, Chapter 3, John 3:16
      • Human Relationships have Two (2) Primary biblical purposes, yet the sin of conflict interferes with these purposes.  This lesson will explore these purposes and the conflict that can derail harmonious conflict resolution.
    • Conflict Defined and the Answer Presented – James 4:4-6, Gal. 5:16-26
      • This lesson will seek to biblically define just exactly what conflict really is and what is the answer to conflict!
    • The Joy of Pursuing Peace in Conflict Resolution – Prov. 14:12, James 4:4-10
      • This lesson offers four P’s to look out for during a conflict.
  • Understanding How to Trust God – Prov. 3:5-6
    • Many of us have personal experiences of: Sorrow, Suffering, Disappointment, Disbelief, Loss, Etc.  However … there is always a BUT GOD….  If we chose to – we can and will see God's Faithfulness revive us as we GROW through our situations in life.  This lesson will explore how Christian women can seek to trust God with every situation regardless to what they see, think. or feel.
  • How to Recover from Painful Past Relationships – Rom. 8:26-28
    • Two very real truths exist in this world today: Women have been Dominated & Devalued in Relationships and Women have Dominated and Devalued others.  This lesson will address how to minister to both sides of this equation with grace, love, compassion and rebuke, if necessary.
  •  Balancing Work & Worship – Titus 2:3-5, Prov. 31:10-31
    • A look a biblical priorities and how to manage them all including work and ministry life.
  • Stay the Course – Beware of Detours! When life throws you a curve ball what should you do? – James 1:1-4, John 16:33
    • A heartfelt discussion of what it really means to trust God through the myriad of trials and tribulations we face in this life; how to trust God when all of life around you seems to be crumbling before your very eyes.
  • Single vs. Single Minded – 1 Cor. 6:12-20, 9:19-27
    • What does it mean to “run my race” as a single woman?
  • Are You Mary or Martha? – Luke 10:38-42
    • Have you ever felt like your serving has gotten in the way of sitting at the Master’s feet? This lesson will seek to help us to identify these times in our lives and offer biblical solutions that we can apply to these situations.
  •  The Essence of a Godly Servant Leader – Ezra 7:10, 2 Tim. 2:15, Rom. 12:2
    • What does it mean to be a servant?  What does it mean to be a leader? What then does it mean to be a servant leader?  This lesson will define and explore servant leadership from a biblical perspective.
  • Understanding Human Development from the Christian Woman’s Perspective – (5 parts)
    • Basics of Human Development – Gal. 6:2
      • This series of lessons seeks to examine Human Development from the viewpoint of various life stages that women may experience and the possible difficulties they may face in each stage.  This lesson is a basic historical overview of human development seeking to explore: Definitions of Human Development, Influential psychologists that studied Human Development and ultimately, reviewing the importance of examining the various stages of a woman’s development from a biblical perspective.
    • The Effects of Culture on Human Development – Prov. 3:5-6
      • This lesson looks at the biblical view of the effects of culture on a woman’s human development.  Depending on the culture that surrounds us, there could be many expectations placed on women.  This can also pertain to the “church” culture or the denominational culture.  As it relates to a woman’s development through life and the cultures effect of this development, we must ask ourselves:  What has been our worldview? Has It been Biblical, Traditional, or Worldly?
    • The Young Adult Stage – Titus 2:3-5
      • The biblical view of the Christian young adult woman
      • This lesson will seek to define the young adult stage of life, when it begins and/or ends, and how to minister to women who are in this stage of life.
    • The Middle Adult Stage – Gal. 5:22-24
      • This lesson will take a look at a biblical view of the Christian middle-aged woman by defining middle age, examining when it begins and/or ends and how to minister to women who are in this stage of life.
    • The Older Adult Stage – Eccl. 12:2-5, Isiah 46:4
      • This lesson will take a look at the biblical view of the development of the Christian older adult woman by defining older adult age, examining when it begins and/or ends and addressing how to minister to women who are in this stage of life.
  • The Book of Esther (10 Parts – can be consolidated)
    • This series explores the book of Esther with a concentration on the sovereignty and providential care of God.
  • Developing an Effective Women’s Ministry – Prov. 31:30, Titus 2:3-5
    • A thriving Women’s Ministry is vital to the overall ministry of our local churches. The How
  • To Do’s of developing a thriving Women’s Ministry




  • Ministering to the Grieving or Soon to Be Grieving – Gen. 3:22-23, 2 Cor. 5:8
    • A discussion of best practices when ministering to those who are dying and those who will be/are left behind with an emphasis on a biblical view of death.
  • Counseling the Self-Righteous Counselee – Matt. 23:1-7
    • An examination of Self-righteousness in the life of the counselor and the counselee.
  • Counseling Different Generations of Women – 1 Cor. 13:1-13
    • A statistical look at the similarities and differences of the various generations with emphasis on how to biblical love and serve each generation.
  • Integrity – Does it matter in the life of the Counselor? – Prov. 10:9
    • An in-depth exploration of Deception and Justification of Deception and what it reveals about the heart of an individual as it relates to integrity.
  • 3 D’s to Consider when Counseling Women – Prov. 11:22, 31:30, 1 Cor. 7:32-34
    • Often some women struggle with Delusions, Desires and Directives. An examination of various scriptures that may be helpful in counseling these women.
  • Helping the Hurting Woman – Psalm 41:7-9, Gal. 6:1-2
    • A look at the Realities of Hurt and the Realities of Disappointment and conclude with various considerations for the Counselor
  • A Biblical View of Emotions – 2 Pet. 1:6, Gal. 5:23, 2 Tim. 1:7, Luke 6:45
    • A review of emotions with the conclusion that since we are created in His image our display of emotions should reflect his character

Leader’s Wives

Leader's Wives


  • The Life of the Ministry Leaders Wife (2 Parts)
    • A look at the potential joys & sorrows and expectations that are always present within ourselves and others.
  • How to encourage and support your Pastor/Husband –
    • Topics: Unity, dealing with your “emotions”, how to handle difficult seasons
  • Building Godly Relationships with the Women in the Church – Rom. 12:1-8
    • A discussion on how to Build Godly Relationships with Women in the Church potential barriers to these relationships.
  • Perceptions and Expectations of Others – 1 Cor. 4:1-4
    • A look at difficulties some face in ministry relating to the perceptions and expectations of others and concluding with recommendations on how to respond biblically.

Marriage & Family

Marriage and Family


  • Who is the God of your marriage? Do I Really Love My Husband – John 3:16, 1 John 4:9-11
    • What kind of love do you exhibit to your husband?  Is it God’s kind of love?
  • The Role of a Wife in Marriage – Gen. 2:18, Titus 2:3-5, Eph 5:23
    • Examining the practical side of marriage – after the honeymoon! Looking into the concepts of loving God and others, being a helper to your husband.  All for the glory of God and the benefit of your family.
  • The Purpose and Principles of Sex (Intimacy in Marriage) – Gen. 2:24-25, Song of Solomon 7:1-12
    • A discussion regarding God’s design for Sex in marriage – theory and practice.
  • The Proverbs 31 Wife – Proverbs 31
    • A contrast of the kind of woman the world praises and the kind of woman God says should be praised.
  • The Influence of a Wife – Matt. 14:1-11
    • All wives have influence with their husbands.  However, this influence can be used for good or for evil – It’s our choice!
  • A Mother’s Hope While Afflicted – James 1:1-2
    • A Christian Mother seeks to have the proper biblical heart attitude while afflicted with various trials with her children.  Therefore, Christian mothers can have Joy while afflicted with various trials with their children.
  • A Daughter’s Joy While Afflicted with personal Trials and Tribulations – James 1:1-2
    • Daughters of the King have the Love of God and Love from God when afflicted with various trials in life.  Therefore, we can have Joy while afflicted with various trials that Christian women face.
  • Me AND My Family shall Reap what I Sow – 2 Samuel 13
    • My sin will probably affect others in my life each at some point!
  • Abortifacients – Exodus 20:13
    • What constitutes abortion? When does life begin? Are we obligated to be stewards of human life?
  • The Silent Cry – Loneliness in Marriage – Gen. 2:18, John 3:16, Heb. 13:5-6
    • An in depth look at what loneliness is and how to biblically deal with this feeling.




  • Women Helping Women Recover from Sinful Choices in Life – Gal. 6:1-2
    • A look at how God can use us as instruments to assist (help) someone who is caught in sin.  “You who are spiritual restore such a one” (V1) How we handle a situation is very important!
  • The Law of Love when Someone is Caught in Sin – Gal. 6:1-2
    • A discussion aimed at answering the question, “What does it mean to truly love someone who is caught in sin?”
  • What Remains of Eve – Ultimately What is Sin? – 2 Tim. 2:22
    • Can sin be called a mistake? How can you tell the difference between the two? A discussion on what is sin and how and when should we deal with it.
  • Lies & Deception – Are we caught in this trap? – Prov. 6:16-19
    • Lying seems to be a way of life for many people.  We lie at the drop of a hat. This lecture will outline differing views on the issue of lying that exist within Christian cycles and conclude with an biblical exploration of what the Bible says on this matter.
  • Moral Temptations Women Face – 1 Cor. 10:12-13
    • Woman have so many more choices today – most, without immediate role models who have successfully negotiated the twists, turns, and pitfalls that characterize the road ahead of us. Eve had the choice to listen to the instruction of God or the temptation of the evil one.  She chose the latter.   Women too will have to decide whether to believe the voice of temptation or the voice of God.  This lesson will explore how to choose to obey God in the face of many temptations.
  • Behave – Living Life as a Mature Daughter of the King – John 3:16, Romans 6:1-2
    • Learning to “Behave” as a Mature Daughter of the King Without Compromise! Compromise What?  God’s biblical standards of relating as Christian Women.
  • A Transformed Life – Moving from Religion to Relationship – Acts 9:1-16, Phil. 3, Romans 12
    • What we believe should determine how we behave. All Christian learning should be transformed into Christian living.  If we have a right relationship with God then this relationship should transform the relationships that we have here on earth with people.  A transformed woman = transformed relationships.
  • The Priority of life Transformation – Rom. 12:1-2,
    • Being transformed into the image of Christ must be a priority.  A Christian Woman should seek to: Be transformed by the renewing of their minds instead of being conformed to the things of this world.  This is well-pleasing to the Lord.
  • The Priority of Seeking God first in everything – Matt 6:25-33, Col. 3:1-2
    • When we seek God first, He takes care of all else that concerns us (in His way and in His timing).
  • The Priority of Growing Up (Sanctification) – 2 Pet. 3:18, Heb. 5:12-14
    • We need to pursue holiness (cease from a life of practicing sin).  A Christian Woman should have “continual” growth in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  This series will seek to address these matters.
  • Understanding How to Trust God – Prov. 3:5-6
    • What does trusting God really mean in practice? What is the biblical process of trusting God?
  • Going Beyond the Norm - Colossians 2:6-7, 2 Cor. 5:7
    • Our “normal” way of living may consist of walking by sight, forgetting what Christ “has” done and what we have been saved from in order to live for this world.  This lesson will offer several “how-to’s” of going beyond the norm.
  • Developing Effective Communication – James 1:19
    • Communication is most effective for the hearer when we are wise in our approach to conversations asking heart questions of ourselves as to the motives behind our speech.  This is a practical lesson that addresses possible heart motivations for our speech and what to do to bring these motivations into alignment with Godly principles regarding our communication.

Sister to Sister

Sister to Sister


    • Living Life Together as Sisters in Christ without Compromise
      • Examines the reality that we need each other.  We should help one another grow up in Christ, be more productive in our spiritual lives, strengthen areas of spiritual weakness through encouragement and rebuke and to help one another recover from the consequences of poor or sinful choices.
    • How to Disagree with your Sisters in Christ without Compromise
      • Discusses ways to disagree with your sisters in Christ without being disagreeable.  We may strongly disagree with each other but it is important that we communicate that disagreement in love.
    • How to Love your Sisters in Christ without Compromise
      • Discuss biblical principles and strategies for developing Christ-centered relationships with our sisters in Christ without compromising biblical principles.  All of us want to be loved however, we must love each other in ways that are most glorifying to God and beneficial to one another.
    • Sister to Sister Unity
      • Who qualifies to be called a friend? A look at friendships based on biblical principles instead of worldly desires.
    • Jealousy, Envy and Competition
      • This is a 3 part series that looks at the definition of Jealousy and Envy, review the Biblical Perspective of Jealousy & Envy and discusses a few results of Jealousy & Envy in the life of the Christian Woman.
    • Commitment to our Sisters – Bearing Burdens
      • This session asks and answers the question of why we should bear one another’s burdens.  Additionally it details various burdens that we may have and suggests some practical ways to meet these burdens.  It also examines the difference between meeting a persons burden and carrying their load.
    • Commitment to our sisters – Hospitality
      • This session takes a Biblical Look at a Christian Woman’s Responsibility to show hospitality to her fellow Sister’s in Christ.  Additionally, hospitality will be discussed as it relates to evangelism and discipleship with our family, friends and neighbors.
    • Commitment to our Sisters – Remind them that God is Good
      • This session is a reminder and an encouragement to us as sisters that God is indeed good.  No matter what we may face in this life, God is still good.  This session will examine many Bible passages that remind us of the goodness of God.  The session will conclude that the world, our flesh and the devil may tempt us to look at circumstances and doubt the goodness of God – however – no matter the circumstance God is indeed good.
    • Commitment to our Sisters – Praying for One Another
      • This session will take a Biblical Look at a Christian Woman’s Responsibility to pray for her fellow Sister’s in Christ.  Several biblical passages will be reviewed as it relates to prayer and the question will be asked and answered as to possible reasons why we are lackadaisical in our prayers for each other or why we refuse to pray for each other.
    • Commitment to our Sisters – Bear Much Fruit
      • This session will take a Biblical Look at a Christian Woman’s Responsibility to Bear Much Fruit.  We are to grow up in Christ and Bear Much Fruit for the glory of God.  This session will seek to provide practical ways we can indeed bear much fruit through all seasons of our lives.
    • Woman 2 Woman Relationships – Titus 2:3-5
      • Why is it important to minister to one another?
    • Help a Sista Out! – Heb. 3:12-13, 10:23-25, Prov. 17:17, 27:17
      • Strategies for developing a mentoring/support ministry for women of all ages.
    • Discipleship – One of the Keys in Christianity – Matt. 28:18-20, John 3:1-16, 14:15, 15:1-8
      • This lesson will seek to explore some basic principles for sharing the gospel with women and equipping them for spiritual growth.  It will Define, Analyze and Describe biblical discipleship as it relates to women.  Additionally, it will seek to determine if the function of discipleship should be the first priority of a ministry to women.


February 22-25 Calvary Baptist Church (Minnesota)

Women's Conference

March 1-3 Cielo Vista Church (El Paso, TX)

Marriage Conference

March 21-23 Grace Community Church ()

Marriage Conference

April 24-27 Kindred Church (Anaheim Hills, CA)

Women's Conference

June 19-22 New Life Presbyterian Church of La Mesa (La Mesa, CA)

IBCD Counseling Conference

September 11-15 Grace Fellowship Church (KY)

Biblical Counseling Conference

October 11 Mars Hill Community Church (Powder Springs, GA)

Women's Retreat
